In the Fall of 2020, all I wanted was control. I felt like my entire artistic practice was flipped on its head by COVID-19, not unlike how most people felt. I was very satisfied making electronic garments to interact with people and then I was no longer comfortable putting things on other peoples bodies. I was sitting at home more, dwelling on the state of the world. I was surrounded by my houseplants, the houseplants I had moved from Ann Arbor to Chicago to Columbus all in a year. There they were, keeping me company. I had a thought, more of an impulse, maybe even a need, to bloom a sunflower. I got to work, doing research on all the needs of a sunflower: how much light does it need?, what wavelengths for optimal growth?, what was the soil to height ratio?, how deep did the taproot go?, how much water?, do I need to fertilize it?. I grew an 8-foot sunflower, even though it never saw the sun. I raised its cage every day to make way. Although it was stunted and probably not the happiest sunflower, it was mine. I was able to do something that made me happy while everything else felt out of control.



I have always been bad at keeping cacti alive. I am definitely an overwater. So when I placed a sad looking mammillaria I purchased from Home Depot inside a grow light I expected it to just trudge along. I did not even know if was a mammillaria at that point. But two weeks after placing it in a light cage, it bloomed. That is how I identified it. The effectiveness of these cages astonished me. It has grown 6 inches in 2 years. The Aeonium on the the other hand was more miraculous. I could see it growing from its crown and was curious if I was just imagining it. The time-lapse found below was taken over 3 days. The speed of growth, the pulsing of the leaves, all a little miracle under its tiny LED suns.


What would a grow-light for a tree look like? Instead of a single overhead bulb would an encasement of light work better? The bottom leaves need some sunshine too. A surround-sound system but with light. During the 2.5 years trapped inside their little light cages these ficuses have grown to be 12 feet tall. Pin straight, thick trunked.

Assorted Plants Under their Suns